Friday, February 15, 2008

Say it Ain't So!

Concord, Massachusetts-based Polaroid Corp. announced last week that it plans to close factories in Massachusetts as well as Mexico and the Netherlands that make film formats for industrial and consumer uses.

I'm DEVASTATED! The only hope I'm holding out comes in the following sentence:

Polaroid -- which stopped making instant cameras over the past couple years -- is seeking a partner to acquire licensing rights, in hopes that another firm will continue making the instant film and keep limited supplies available.

Please, someone, partner with Polaroid! my wonderful husband just got me the amazing ProPack for me to use for emulsion-lift art. And I was seriously considering dropping a few hundred bucks on a Daylab printer (it copies your prints or slides onto Polaroid film).

I'm thinking I may still invest in one, stock up on film and really try to create as many pieces as possible. I love this technique, and I hate the thought of having to give it up!

If anybody needs any ideas for what to get me for Christmas (or any time, really ;-), click here!

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