Saturday, November 29, 2008

Julie Isphording Responds

Wow - I was personally contacted by a local hero! Julie Isphording is a former Olympic runner and member of the first ever Women’s Olympic Marathon Team. She used to host an inspiring and empowering local radio show of which I was an avid listener until the radio station changed formats. Now she is a local champion of health. You can visit her websites at and where she is now a consultant.

In my last post, I noted an email that I sent to the Thanksgiving Day Race. Roman's Grandpa said that the shirt design kind of looked like a swastika... I didn't even make the connection until he said that, so I recommended a new shirt design for next year. Imagine my excitement when Julie Isphording PERSONALLY contacted me! See her response below:

Hi E.

So sorry about that. No one else said anything so I'm not too worried.
And there's a new t-shirt design every year. And this was our top
selling t-shirt.

You're recommendation will happen.


Julie Isphording
Consultant, External Affairs
The Lindner Center of Hope
Author, Get Healthy Get Happy

I'm so pleased that she personally took the time to respond to my email. Her book Get Healthy, Get Happy is on my Christmas list.

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