Wednesday, June 4, 2008

There's No Place Like Home

One of my biggest fears is natural disasters. I'm especially afraid of tornadoes. As I write this, I'm sitting in my basement, all bloody.

I came home from work today with the hope of taking a nap. I'm exhausted for a variety of reasons - work, PMS, not getting enough sleep because our weather alarm kept going off last night. I spent a good chunk of the night in the bathroom with the window open - listening for a calm before a train sound.

Tonight, I just wanted to sleep. It was rainy today, but it was also sunny! As soon as I turned on the TV to see if Barack Obama had picked a running mate, Derek said it would be like this:

Take cover if you live in Indiana, and hey Erin, in Maineville - get yourself and your cats into your basement. NOW!

Of course, I obliged.

If you know cats, you know that herding them is an exercise in futility. One cat is pretty easy to get into the basement, two is so-so, but three is a bloody mess. Cleo has asthma, so she was all - do I really have to move out of my bed? It's so inconvenient... Indy is a fraidy-cat, so when he saw the basement door, flashes of last night entered his mind, and he started crying. (At least he didn't pee on me like he did last night).

Then there was Agile Allie. Man, does she need a pedicure! After she wriggled her way free and escaped my grip the first time, I found her, tried to wrap her up in my shirt, but she still managed to reach around and get me good.

I finally made it to the basement, our power is still on (hence the wireless connection to blogger), the TV has switched from weather to Extra, and the kitties are starting to look like they'll forgive me.

After the storm's blown over, I'm going to pour myself a glass of wine, give the kitties some Whiska Lickens treats as a bribe to love me again, and get out the hydrogen peroxide and bandaids to treat all the puncture wounds on my back and shoulders.

I'm a little tired of this weather!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you all made it through the storms!!! We here in northern Ohio have been spared any bad weather. We're just getting the humidity.