Sunday, January 4, 2009

Jon and Marsha

More scans from back in the day. This is Jon and Marsha, believe it or not, in Marsha's back yard. The year is 1991 or so, after Marsha's little brother's baptism. Jon and Marsha used to date, until Jon came out. By the time these pictures were taken, all was out in the open, and they were still best of friends. And to this day, they still are!

I had just discovered that I loved photography, and I took these pictures, posing them along the fence and on the farm.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


I've been on vacation and have been scanning in all my film photos. Here's one that I took in college in my "icon" days. I was never able to dig really deep into who I was as a photographer then. I took a lot of photos of icons and symbols. This is one of my favorite symbols of Cincinnati.

Trivet Antique and Boutique was a Cincinnati landmark. The old downtown shop smelled pretty bad, but the items were original vintage. They had beads, clothes, incense, patches - anything from the 60s you could imagine - and yes, they were originals! Sadly, they closed their doors in 2000.